Thursday, January 24, 2008


OKAY I GOT 1OF THESE SO ICAN'T GIVE IT TO MY TWO STAR WARS GRANDSONS SO IHAVE TO SELL IT. I'm not yelling I just didn't look up at my typing. What a dah limb a What to do any suggestions it isn't something you can tear apart and give each a part.I don't think either would be satisfied with the lid. Help I should have left it on the store shelf

I'm taking bids

Well I was going to put a photo of something I bought to sell but it wouldn't let me load it so you will have to wait sorry

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sweet headwear

Hi all,we are beginning to get the upstairs bedroom cleaned up enough to start getting our furniture up there.Since it was Adam's and Aaron's room we have found some very interesting things.We have saved most of their things but can't keep everything. In the picture for those not in the family or maybe didn't get a chance to see it. This is a hat Aaron made completely out of sugar while he was at Sullivan.Some of the flowers have been damaged but it is still beautiful and otherwise in great shape.Unfortunately it must go and so will my sugar level. They say that many flowers are edible well I'm going to find out.

Wish me luck

Saturday, January 12, 2008

More stuff

More things I bought because
they were cute

Candy Candy Candy

Different eggs

Easter is coming

More eggs with candy
Lemon heads.jaw breakers and other things

More candy/jewelry/junk on
dresser boxes

Small Snoopy lunch box
opens on end
Thats all for now


I'm feeling okay but Cheryl is right I am crazy
I keep buying things to resell

These are a few things I bought
to sell on e-bay

I bought some lights at
an auction on-line the other day an they ended up
being four times the size I thought they would be
I broke one and nearly cut my finger off' I do tend to
stretch the truth once in a while but it does hurt
Feel sorry for me I'm hurt and crazy
Most of these are Christopher Radko

Mostly Easter stuff

Know any shoe collectors

Special Someone???

Two views

I have lots of hearts they are candy/
jewelry boxes

Know any hippies

The end

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sawyer's Visit

Sonya,Steve and Sawyer came
to visit us and I have pictures
not in order but pictures none the less

We have Sawyer hugging Grandpa

We have pictures of the music geeks,
David and Sawyer This is music geek and Sonya

Sawyer was eating his nuggets and
decided Grandpa was hungry WRONG

I had chicken everywhere but in my
mouth, he was determined to feed me

Music geek with Steve

Little music geek

He would play and stop all of a sudden and put
his hand in the air and hold that pose