Hi all,we are beginning to get the upstairs bedroom cleaned up enough to start getting our furniture up there.Since it was Adam's and Aaron's room we have found some very interesting things.We have saved most of their things but can't keep

everything. In the picture for those not in the family or maybe didn't get a chance to see it. This is a hat Aaron made completely out of sugar while he was at Sullivan.Some of the flowers have been damaged but it is still beautiful and otherwise in great shape.
Unfortunately it must go and so will my sugar level. They say that many flowers are edible well I'm going to find out.
Wish me luck
don't eat that hat!!!
wow. i have never seen it (what a shocker). How big is it? That is cool.
I came on your blog and instantly thought you bought 6000 of these hats at an auction..no clue it was made of sugar!
About ten inches across and really delicious
That's really cool! He is talented!
Wow, how have you kept it all this time without it getting ruined???
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