Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sawyer's Visit

Sonya,Steve and Sawyer came
to visit us and I have pictures
not in order but pictures none the less

We have Sawyer hugging Grandpa

We have pictures of the music geeks,
David and Sawyer This is music geek and Sonya

Sawyer was eating his nuggets and
decided Grandpa was hungry WRONG

I had chicken everywhere but in my
mouth, he was determined to feed me

Music geek with Steve

Little music geek

He would play and stop all of a sudden and put
his hand in the air and hold that pose


Cheryl said...

very cute. love the ones of him shoving the nugget in your mouth.

Crystal said...

oh I love all the pictures but the second, seventh and 10th ones are too flippin cute! I love the piano pics too! ha ha Oh that boy is such a cutie! Uncle Terry, did you get a haircut??

SamandSawyersMom said...

I love them so much that I will be stealing them all. i loved the piano side shot the best!!

Thanks for the pizza. They are sooooooooo good. We have had 3 already!

Crystal said...


Crystal said...

Uncle Terry, I've been worried about you, please post and let us know how you are doing!

Cheryl said...

saw him yesterday, he is fine, just crazy!!