Monday, February 4, 2008

Candy Galore from Candy store

Hey guess what I can add pictures to my blog again
This is part of the loot from the candy store

Maybe my grand kids will want to come see me now..I no Sawzy will.

I bought a little candy and nuts but I bought allot of the containers they come in. They will help in my Flea Market sales this spring.


Cheryl said...

I love the containers!!

Crystal said...

OH I just want to lick my screen!!! I would be in heaven with all that candy!!!!YUMMERS!

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh my gosh. I want it all!!!!!!!!!!

Sawzy will be in heaven on Saturday!!

Lura said...

Have I ever told you how SWEET you are? Ha ha. I guess it really is Home SWEET Home at your house!