Friday, February 22, 2008

Lunar Madness

As you can see I was quite nervous at taking pictures of quite an event

actually these pictures were suppose to be last but I can't get used to putting my pictures in backwards so they will come out the way I plan. I found thatif you don't use a flash your lens will stay open longer and if you move you get neat results. These didn't come out quite the way I planned because I was trying to make a star shape.I couldn't move fast enough and still keep it in the right area.

Here are some better pictures but they don't do the show justice

Thats David he is a star not a moon. he was looking at a picture he took of the moon.Or maybe talking or texting his mother.

Again these pics are in the reverse order of how they happened

We were on the road here and it was hard to keep the camera still. I have much better pictures on my camera if I zoom in but I can't figure out how to save them when I zoom in.


SamandSawyersMom said...

those are cool. cheryl's look like a post card though. yours are neat though

Cheryl said...

Oh yours are better than mine. I may steal them. on my camera i zoom and then go to menu and then choose trimming and save it that way. our old camera you zoomed then hit the button to take a picture and it saved it.

Cheryl said...

I can't believe you almost made a star, that is too cool.

Pack Rat Papa said...

I don't care anymore my wife is coming home

Crystal said...

GREAT SHOTS!!! Love your creative art work too! ha

Cheryl said...

new post now!!

Cheryl said...

let's see something new!!

Crystal said...

I second that motion!!!

Cheryl said...

that is so last month!!

Crystal said...

You need to post old man!!!