Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Weekend Part 4

We had a colorful fire
and I got a singing
frog and waterpump fountain and more
We had fun by the fire
and Lauren got a taste of the
nuttyness of this family.I want to thank everyone
for a great weekend that I enjoyed very much.
I had two wonderful days with the people
I love Thank again.

Ryan does the worm

More fun by the fire

Singing camp fire songs

Lauren's shirt

David's shirt

David composing

Grandpa takes a break

The couple again


Cheryl said...

we had a blast! the smores were very yummy!! great pics!

Crystal said...

I love your nutty family!!! I wanna come sometime with Sonya, can I?? It looks like sooo much fun...although I may have to wear a diaper! ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

I liked making the shirts too. It was a great time.