Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hi my wife was mentally drained when she arrived home

I felt really sorry for her, I hate starting new jobs. the first few days are always hard.

Looks like its going to rain here, I hope so.

As you can tell by my blogs I live a very boring existence SORRY

see you in a couple

Monday, August 20, 2007

just got home, don't have much to say,

Julia starts her new job today, wish her luck

still tired from yesterday think I'll hit the hottub and then the bed

chat later if I can think of something halfway interesting

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Shady Box

Here is the big box of sunglasses I got at the auction. Cheryl kept 8 pair. They had fun posing in all the different sunglasses. I also got lots of stamps and coins. I got a bunch of tools and a machete. Anyone need any Star Trek ornaments? I have lots of them. We sold some on ebay and we are listing more tonight.
I'm back and I went to the auction this morning and bought a lot of crap. We came to Cheryl's so she could list some on e-bay so we are going to take pictures and put them on my post....be right back..

Friday, August 17, 2007

I quit

Diamond in the Rough

This is one of my auction buys from last night. It's a combination swag lamp and hanging table. We have hung it prominently in our living room, hung a plant from it, and are anxiously waiting for mom's arrival and reaction. As we type this mom has just come home and saw the new addition. He first words were, and I quote, "Oh my god..what is it?!" We'll post more later tonight or tomorrow.

Hey it's not morning anymore,to tired to post this morning.

never got much at auction, the sax that we went to look at I was prepared to bid about two hundred but they started the bid out there and it never stopped until it sold for one thousand and twenty five dollars.....I didn't get it.....I got a few small things to resell...bread maker... bread keeper and slicer guide..blender....food processor...some books...and other surprise boxes i haven't looked at yet...I got some santas. surprise for you who do not know Julia collects santas and clowns so if they are there and look nice I usaully. is that a word. end up with them. Hey I found spell check but didn't correct it because you would no what I was talking about.

Oops paragraph to long, see what happens when you get old and start to ramble on.Really nothing interesting happening, saw six turkeys this morning down at the cemetery, I hope they weren't turkey vultures that would be bad. Cheryl I told you not to expect much from me on this space, thanks for doing my e-bay stuff, can't wait for you to put up more so I can watch them that is fun... bye bye

Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's morning

Okay this has started out bad, Cheryl and Sonya you will find comments on your blogs because I had to get David out of bed to teach the unteachable. I will not be posting everyday because you will find that me and my life is not that interesting. Besides that I type with one finger and it is to fat to sometimes hit one key.It works both ways Sonya you will have to reqad all of my stuff too. Thanks for the welcome everyone, See above what I was talking about about fat fingers. Can you say about about. I'm confused. I will be blogging when I get home from work each morning when I can stay awake. When I got home I watered my flowers and house plants outside. Those of you who don't know me well will find that I like plants and enjoy talking about them SONYA, I was watering my petunias and a very large praying mantis flew out of them and scared me. I was down by the hottub and a deer began snorting at me, see how much fun it is in the country.I have lots of tomatoes and some eggplant, zukes and bell peppers. I came in to post and realized I had no idea what I was doing, this adventure may not work out. If it does and I figure how to do pictures I will show everyone my auction finds before I resell them or Cheryl puts them on ebay. Cheryl it looks like we may have a bidding war on a couple of the items when time gets close. Oh well I'm going to go get in the hottub for awhile and then go to bed. I have to get back up early because David and I are going to an auction up by Sonya's at five thirty. Should I use several paragraphs if I ever write this much again. Bye

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The meaning of life, the earth, and everything.

I'm starting this blog in the hopes that it will make me more interested in using my camera. I suppose I'll be posting pictures of my amazing auction and/or yard sale finds. Oh, and most likely some pictures of my plants (Sonya will be thrilled with this). I'll also be posting my insights in the world around. If I think of or find something interesting I'll post it. If not....don't expect many posts.