Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hi my wife was mentally drained when she arrived home

I felt really sorry for her, I hate starting new jobs. the first few days are always hard.

Looks like its going to rain here, I hope so.

As you can tell by my blogs I live a very boring existence SORRY

see you in a couple


Lura said...

We keep coming back, that must mean our lives are even more boring! Ha ha.

SamandSawyersMom said...

that's right. Now get to postin something good

Crystal said...

Oh goodness, I know that feeling well!!! Whenever I have started a new job, It felt like I had cobwebs on my brain and my head was spinning!!! It's just from taking in sooo much at once but what always happens is one day it all just comes together and clicks!!! It's weird how that happens! It's extremely exhausting and mentally draining and it's gets worse as we get older! ha

Cheryl said...

Oh I'm telling Julia you called her Mental!!

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

The group of Star Trek Ornaments has a bid of $15.00 now.

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

He is alive, he was at my house yesterday!

Crystal said...

Oh good, I was worried! ha

Cheryl said...

He is still alive. He was here again tonight.

Crystal said...

Well, tell him to get to postin!

Crystal said...

still nothing!!!! UGH!

Lura said...

We miss you! Come back!

Lura said...

What is your ebay ID? I'd love to see what kind of stuff you're selling. Do you ever get any vintage fabrics or aprons, stuff like that?

Cheryl said...

his ebay name is Dismania. he could get vintage fabrics at his auctions, we've seen them.

Cheryl said...

he has vintage baby clothes.