Friday, August 17, 2007

Hey it's not morning anymore,to tired to post this morning.

never got much at auction, the sax that we went to look at I was prepared to bid about two hundred but they started the bid out there and it never stopped until it sold for one thousand and twenty five dollars.....I didn't get it.....I got a few small things to resell...bread maker... bread keeper and slicer processor...some books...and other surprise boxes i haven't looked at yet...I got some santas. surprise for you who do not know Julia collects santas and clowns so if they are there and look nice I usaully. is that a word. end up with them. Hey I found spell check but didn't correct it because you would no what I was talking about.

Oops paragraph to long, see what happens when you get old and start to ramble on.Really nothing interesting happening, saw six turkeys this morning down at the cemetery, I hope they weren't turkey vultures that would be bad. Cheryl I told you not to expect much from me on this space, thanks for doing my e-bay stuff, can't wait for you to put up more so I can watch them that is fun... bye bye


Cheryl said...

I am mailing everything today. Everything is paid for but 1. I am listing more today. I am putting the nurse up. I relisted the other doll already.

SamandSawyersMom said...

dad is getting rid of his sexy nurse?? Wow I never thought that she would go!

I like reading so keep posting. We want to hear about important things too like your prospective on the talking points from your lastest AARP newsletter!

Crystal said...

Thank you for posting again! I love to read your posts! Bet you didn't realize that having a blog would make you a target for more abuse from your daughter's huh?? ha ha

Cheryl said...

Oh Sonya that was mean. Low! True but low! HAHAHA