Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The meaning of life, the earth, and everything.

I'm starting this blog in the hopes that it will make me more interested in using my camera. I suppose I'll be posting pictures of my amazing auction and/or yard sale finds. Oh, and most likely some pictures of my plants (Sonya will be thrilled with this). I'll also be posting my insights in the world around. If I think of or find something interesting I'll post it. If not....don't expect many posts.


SamandSawyersMom said...

Well I never thought I would see the day!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy that you did this. I will check it everyday so posty post post!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Since when do you watch Sandra Bullock movies??? You have done lost your mind!!
Don't forget we are coming a week from this Saturday for our monthly (Aug 25). I was going to calla nd remind you but now I don't have to.

SamandSawyersMom said...

I just thought of another thing. You can finally get Cheryl and I to listen to you. That was smart. I can also type as much as i want and you will read it. Hey, I like this.
Remember that time that I was eating my fav icecream and I saved all the almonds for last and I went to the bathroom and came back and you had eaten all my saved almonds? That was rude and I always wanted to tell you that...besides right then and the few other times that I have.

SamandSawyersMom said...

I bet you get a lot of comments simply because you won't post much and so those ones always get more. Maybe you should post everyday and tell us everything you are thinking. Okay, not everything but somethings. Okay, i am leaving for the doctor now...chow.

Crystal said...

Hi Uncle Terry!!! Sorry for calling you that but I just can't bring myself to call you anything else.....too weird!!! Glad you are joining us in blog world......we could use someone of your wisdom! ha ha Just kidding, that was an age crack! Oh boy, you aren't still a giant are you......I better watch what I say. Maybe you have shrunk in your old age.....Hey, who just typed that!!!???

Crystal said...

I look forward to reading your posts!!! Glad you have a blog!

Cheryl said...

Funny!!!! You are a nut. You better keep up with this thing because these girls get nasty when they don't have something new to read. Oh this is too funny.

Cheryl said...

Just how bored were you? Oh Kevin just thought of something perfect for you. I have to find it and I'll send it to you, with direction.

SamandSawyersMom said...

the theme song isn't working

SamandSawyersMom said...

perfect theme song

Lura said...

Glad you will be finally shedding some light on the meaning of life!! I'm a garage sale junkie, so I look forward to seeing your pictures of all your finds! Welcome to the blogosphere!

Lura said...

Is that the Sampson and Son song?

SamandSawyersMom said...

yes and he is his twin brother. he has so much junk that he has no idea what to do with it all. His wife smiles and supports that craziness. She is a "special" woman!

Lura said...

I meant Sanford, not Sampson. Duh!