Friday, August 17, 2007

Diamond in the Rough

This is one of my auction buys from last night. It's a combination swag lamp and hanging table. We have hung it prominently in our living room, hung a plant from it, and are anxiously waiting for mom's arrival and reaction. As we type this mom has just come home and saw the new addition. He first words were, and I quote, "Oh my god..what is it?!" We'll post more later tonight or tomorrow.


Cheryl said...

Oh my Gosh!!! Was the auction in the 60's? HAHAHAHA how much did you pay for that monstrosity?

Crystal said...

HA HA That is too funny!!! Oh and all those clowns creep me out! I have always been creeped out by clowns........eeek!

SamandSawyersMom said...

I am laughing so hard. it is horrible. That poor woman!!! I hate hate hate it. Oh my gosh!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

i am still laughing hysterically

Lura said...

Wow, can't say as I've ever seen one of those! Ha ha. It does make an interesting pattern on the ceiling though!