Saturday, September 29, 2007


Here's the cello.

Here are a couple of pictures of David and Lauren. They met a bunch of people at Max & Erma's for dinner before going to homecoming. At least she didn't wear 3 inch heels. Last year the girl he went with was already about 3 inches taller than him and she wore 3" heels. So that made the difference very noticeable. Or maybe he has grown some since last year. Let's hope :)


Well I didn't get to go to the auction last night, my leg and wrist just hurt to bad

I did go to an auction this morning which lasted until afternoon, well that when we left, we had to get David back to meet the other's at the eatery, he and his date looked real good, we took pictures which I hope to put on later.

Julia and I went to Sonic before we came home and when we got home we started going through the auction stuff. She hadn't seen what I bought and I hadn't seen what she had gotten. She got a lot of kids learning stuff and crafts and I got mostly office and Christmas stuff. We each got David an instrument. I got him a set of Tri-Toms and Julia got him a beautiful Cello.

Julia called Sonya and told her about what she had gotten and she said she would try to come down after church tomorrow. I was going to take pictures of some of the stuff to entice her but it got to dark.

My brother Larry called while I was at the auction and gave me two tickets to the Bengals game Monday night, so David and I will get to do something together that we normally would not get to do.

Julia is downloading the pictures of David now so they will be on soon.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Good Morning Bloggers

Glad I didn.t mispell that, you would think I was calling you buggers or boogers

Well I didn't go to work last night, I had a slight accident yesterday
I was walking through the yard yesterday while it was pouring rain and I tripped on something and my feet went out from under me, and I fell hard, with my large body mass it seems my wrist just wasn't strong enough to stop me from falling.

well I hurt my wrist bad, I don't think it is broken but it sure feels like it.
I also scraped my other arm up bad and hurt both legs.
Luckily I didn't hurt my typing finger.

I,m thinking about going to an auction up by Sonya's house tonight so I may see you Sonya this afternoon sometime I know you run around on Fridays sometimes so if I miss you sorry.

This auction is selling out an ACE hardware store and have tools and hardware and also box lots which are like little treasure hunts to me.

I'm going to have Julia wrap my wrist before she goes to work so maybe I can get something done today.

I always feel guilty when I miss work and try to do more around here on those days, got to earn my keep.

David is going to the home coming football game at his school tonight so Julia won't be able to go to the auction with me.

He's going to the home coming dance tomorrow night so she may miss my Saturday night auction as well.

I haven't been to an auction in a month an I am suffering from acute withdrawal.
I wanted to go to one yesterday but I fell and had told Julia I would go to her work and help out one of her coworkers that left her lights on and ran her battery down.

I hope this satisfies your desires to read blogs even though they are meaningless chatter.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just posting to see if my time stamp is now correct

I just checked and it is

now it won't show me posting at 6am when I don't get home until 8:10

Who needs marbles
I have a somewhat funny story about marbles

heres the thing you guts will think I've lost my marbles when I tell you

Okay yesterday I was looking at auctions on the internet when I come across this on line auction
they were selling gift items but you had to bid on large lots of things

cases of picture frames, little windchines and things like that..

heres the good part or maybe crazy part
they had pallet loads of marbles and glass blobs like marbles you have all seen those in crafts on flower arrangements or what ever

The thing is you had to bid on them all
There were 5 skids or 150 boxes that have about 25 pounds of marbles in each
the way it works is instead of making it 1 bid they break it up and say you arte bidding on 150 cases of marbles and whatever you bid you have to multiply it by 150

So I thought I would bid on them and re-package them and sell them because what would anyone do with about 4000 pounds of marbles

well it would take you a long time before you could lose that many of them

A guy at work suggested using them as mulch instead of white gravel or something along those lines well my mind began to work overtime and I started figuring how I could use this cheap mulch

I said Terry you could make a flower bed line it with rubber and put pots of flowers down in it and never have to worry about weeds

then I told myself I could make a bed again lining it with rubber and filling it with one color of marbles and bury a pump in it and install a fountain that would shoot up in the air and the water would flow back down into the marbles to be pumped back up again

neat idea huh

another one was to put the rubber edgeing it the ground and make the outer edge in the shape of a bird or even peacock and put edgeing in the inside to separate the marbles and make different sections for the feathers and body features

well I've decided that if I win the marbles I will now keep all 4000 pounds and have a really colorful yard.

The last bid last night when I looked was a total of 39.00 dollars and I figure only local or loco people will bid on them because who would want to ship 4000 pounds

Wish me luck I,m going to bid although the bidding doesn't end until Sunday at 7 :00

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well I'm going to take seeds out of the gourds I bought the other day.
I guess I'll cut a hole for a bird house to get the seeds out and paint it later.I know a couple of trees where they will look pretty good and we can watch the birds come and go.

The ones I haven't dryed yet will either become santa clauses or snowmen for next year, it will take nearly that long for them to dry. Hopefully I will be able to grow lots next year and the following year sell them on E-bay.

Our desk and credenza are now in the dining room area and I like it much better. There is more room and it really looks like a study or office instead of a mud room.

As usual I don't have much to say but Sonya wants me to post every day so I type and say things I know she doesn't care anything about just to make her happy.

Saturday, September 22, 2007





I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you all that my favorite daughter has always been Sonya. In fact, she is even my favorite son even though she is female. She is that good!!! If the whole world could be just like her, the world would be perfect. I just couldn't hide my feelings anymore.
We started changing furniture around last night, where the piano was we now have a credenza that we will use for our computer so it will now be in the dining room.

We also put another credenza on the wall next to the computer wall so we would have allot of storage for files, paper and computer gadgets.

I may post pictures after we get everything moved and straightened back up.

The piano is now in the back hall and David can play anytime he wants without waking me or making mom turn the telly up so loud it wakes me.

Well it's early and I must start moving this thing to the other room. Problem is I have to move wires and telephone and get electric in there.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Okay so I went to Cheryl and Sonya's blogs to figure out what the winks were all about

Crystal-I have so many childhood memories, my childhood was a fairy tail we were poor put it never really hurt us because we all knew we were loved by everyone in our family and it seemed like everyone else.

My mother was like the mother for the whole nieghborhood and all our friends were always at our house,

we had so many people to play with and hangout with that you didn't have time to think about anything that could make you sad.

when I became a teenager and started hanging wiyh a smaller group of friends things became more difficult but also more exciting.

my fondeswt memory was meeting and going with a girl who I truely loved at n early age.

that is still hard to talk about and think about because I lost her almost before we could do all the things we would sit and talk about.

Cheryl I'm sure you know you were named after her

so my time with her is my fondest child hood memory at least until Deb

what would I change, I would have treated Deb better and took better care of myself so I wouldn't be the way I am now.....


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hi its been awhile I really don't have much to say.

Julia and I went to Little Nashville last's in IN. if you don't know allready.

We went to many shops and flea markets.

Julia found some interesting Christmas presents

I bought some gourds at a garden shop and I'm going to raise gourds next year to sell on E-Bay and to decorate

Cheryl said on David's blog that she thought we lost our internet connection so I am blogging even if I have nothing interesting to say

I'm ordering different seeds off of E-Bay so I can try growing different flowers next year.

everyone can send me or save for me seeds from thiers or thier neighbors yards, but don't get caught getting them.

I,m finished must sleep

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Rash Update

My rash is getting worse. The new medicine I have is making me extremely nervous. I went to work last night. Will be off work the rest of the week cuz I can't function. Can't sleep. Stomach hurts and burns. Updates later.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Just got back from the doctor the rash on my body has gotten worse.

he says it is a reaction to the medicne I'm taking for a infection on my leg.

I'm now taking steroids to counter act the other medicines which I'm no longer taking.

my lower legs are totally purple, about the color of a ripe plum.

got to go scratch


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The person that uses the computer the least figured out how to put a video on the blog :) . Here are the photos I promised you plus one of my pond with my plants in it.

auction stuff

Hey I was going to take some pictures today to show some of my auction finds but my batteries are dead in the old camera.

I have some really big flower pots that I have put some of my plants (The Big Ones ) down into.

Eating lots of tomatoes because of the weather they are trying to dry up on me.

If Julia brings me batteries home I will post the photos.

Well I'm going to surf E-bay Bye-Bye

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thought I would share....

This woman should run for president!!Written by a housewife from New Jersey and sounds like it! This is one ticked off lady.

"Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or was it not started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001?

Were people from all over the world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania?

Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they?

And I'm supposed to care that a copy of the Koran was "desecrated" when an overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet?...Well, I don't. I don't care at all.

I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11.

I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi Arabia .

I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg screamed through his gurgling slashed throat.

I'll care when the cowardly so-called "insurgents" in Iraq come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion by hiding in mosques.

I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their suicide bombs.

I'll care when the American media stops pretending that their First Amendment liberties are somehow derived from international law instead of the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights.

In the meantime, when I hear a story about a brave marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this: I don't care.

When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college-hazing incident, rest assured: I don't care.

When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank: I don't care.

When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat, and fed "special" food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being "mishandled," you can absolutely believe in your heart of hearts: I don't care.

And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's spelled "Koran" and other times "Quran." Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and-you guessed it-I don't care !!I

f you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to all your E-mail friends. Sooner or later, it'll get to the people responsible for this ridiculous behavior!

If you don't agree, then by all means hit the delete button. Should you choose the latter, then please don't complain when more atrocities committed by radical Muslims happen here in our great Country! And may I add:

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem." -- Ronald Reagan

I have another quote that I would like to add AND.......I hope you forward all this.

"If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." Also by.. Ronald Reagan

One last thought for the day:

In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the Anti-American sentiment and negativity, we should remember England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words during a recent interview. When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in America, he said: "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out."

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:

1. Jesus Christ
2. The American G. I.

One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.