Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well I'm going to take seeds out of the gourds I bought the other day.
I guess I'll cut a hole for a bird house to get the seeds out and paint it later.I know a couple of trees where they will look pretty good and we can watch the birds come and go.

The ones I haven't dryed yet will either become santa clauses or snowmen for next year, it will take nearly that long for them to dry. Hopefully I will be able to grow lots next year and the following year sell them on E-bay.

Our desk and credenza are now in the dining room area and I like it much better. There is more room and it really looks like a study or office instead of a mud room.

As usual I don't have much to say but Sonya wants me to post every day so I type and say things I know she doesn't care anything about just to make her happy.


SamandSawyersMom said...

it certainly did make me happy.

also gourds are something i am very interested in i'll have you know. I would love to make crafts with them.

how much do they go for on ebay?

Are they easy to grow? What time of year do they grow? I bet Bo would grow some if he knew how. I want to live where I can have a huge agrden simply because I am so cheap. i would love to have free veggies.

Pack Rat Papa said...

They go for about ten dollars for three big ones, of course you have to dry them after you grow them and that takes about nine months. Some times you can get more for larger ones or odd shapes. Bo can grow them they just need something to grow on or up. You are to impatient to wait for them.

Crystal said...

Sonya's out of her gourd! ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

you got that right

SamandSawyersMom said...

i could wait 9 minutes

SamandSawyersMom said...

maybe 9 days

SamandSawyersMom said...

where are you

have you lost your marbles??? ha

Cheryl said...

I took pictures in Disney for about how they grow their big gourds on a trellis without the breaking. I will show you when I see you.