Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Rash Update

My rash is getting worse. The new medicine I have is making me extremely nervous. I went to work last night. Will be off work the rest of the week cuz I can't function. Can't sleep. Stomach hurts and burns. Updates later.


Cheryl said...

ooooh...gross. That must really hurt. Ouch. Hope it gets better soon.

Crystal said...

YIKES!!! Oh thank goodness I wasn't eating when I looked at this! Oh you poor thing, I bet you are miserable!!! Keep us posted, I hope it clears up soon!

Cheryl said...

Hey Bumpy, time to post. You are home and bored. POST!!!

Crystal said...


Cheryl said...

I know you were out all weekend. yet nothing to post about...seriously. Some pictures of brown county??

Cheryl said...

YO BUMPY! Let's see something new!!

Crystal said...

Yeah, please post something other than that gross rash! ha