Saturday, September 29, 2007


Here's the cello.

Here are a couple of pictures of David and Lauren. They met a bunch of people at Max & Erma's for dinner before going to homecoming. At least she didn't wear 3 inch heels. Last year the girl he went with was already about 3 inches taller than him and she wore 3" heels. So that made the difference very noticeable. Or maybe he has grown some since last year. Let's hope :)


SamandSawyersMom said...

oh he looks cute except for his long hair int he front. I don't like it that way. I can't beleive our little baby is so big and dating.

I hope that girl knows I could break her with one bite..she is so skinny.

Crystal said...

His hair is the style Sonya....all the teen boys wear their hair like that! I don't particularly like it either but who cares! It's just hair.

The girl is a cutie. Is that his girlfriend or are they just good friends?? Did he have a good time at Homecoming??? He looks very handsome!

Crystal said...

Oh and that Cello is gorgeous! Does David play?

SamandSawyersMom said...

crys: no she is just a friend (who happens to have a big rack). No, he does not play the cello but give him a week and he might.

Yes he had fun and no he didn't kiss her...I asked.

He loves any instruments and likes to collect and learn to play anything he can. He is a geek.

SamandSawyersMom said...

we want to see pics of your new loot

Cheryl said...

Oh how cute!! She looks cute, she better be nice.

The cello is gorgeous!!

Lura said...

That cannot be the baby that was born while we were in college!!!