Tuesday, October 2, 2007


No sonya I won't be posting pictures of picture frames even if I lined them up they would reach all the way to the barn

I looked at the snow people windchimes and they are cute and I just pulled six out and they were all different

We had a great time at the game last night even if we didn't play well at all.

It was fun watching the people and looking at all the different Bengals apparal

I never imagined there could be so many different hats .shirts,sweatshirts,pants,bath robes and hanging beads necklaces and braclets.

Larry's van is still all decked out in bengals things. He has the whole inside decorated and has a canopy ,four flags,grill table four fold up chairs,cord hole and other things all bengal colors or emblems.

He has a generator and plasma TV and a dish on top of his van to watch pre-game while they party.there are literally thousands of people lined up all over the place with bengals stuff on and vans and buses and radio stations all over the area.

I did take pictures of a lot of things and will have David or Julia post them later.

I had the greatest time with David but a miseral time also, I still have a lot of pain from my fall and we had to walk so far to there and out of there that my feet and legs were really bad. It tested my heast since we were near the top and I couldn't breathe by the time we got up there.

Great view of the field. Will write more later. YES SONYA I DO HAVE A HEART.


SamandSawyersMom said...

you are such a dork!

I have been waiting to hear about the picture frames!!! I want to see the snow men too. i am going to post about them too.

We wantto see the pics of the game.

That is crazy about LArry's van and stuff...geeze Louise, he is crazy!!

Cheryl said...

Sounds like fun. Larry is a Bengal nut!!! Can't wait to see the pics.