Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hi, don't have much to blog,I am bidding on a lot of gift merchandise on line and hopefully will win some.

Sonya's all happy because she likes this kind of auction and she can talk me into buying stuff I wouldn't normally buy. Just kidding.

Going to check E-bay to see if we have bids on anything we have listed.

Does anyone need to buy hundreds of frames.

Bye Bye


Cheryl said...

Finally a post. people better start bidding on our stuff soon I am getting mad. I realize you shouldn't bid til the last minute to win and get the best price but I hate waiting.

Lura said...

I was just thinking today "If only I had 100 frames...". Ok, not really. Just wanted to say hi!

Cheryl said...

Funny Lura!!

Crystal said...

I need some picture frames but I don't think I need 100......maybe just 99! Are you feeling better??

Pack Rat Papa said...

Yes I am feeling better