Monday, October 22, 2007

auction stuff


Pack Rat Papa said...

I'm still learning to put pictures and comments on bare with me. The monkey is a hand puppet from Rainforest Cafe and has a cloth tag sewn on the dress and a paper tag inside that says it is from rainforest cafe toys

Cheryl said...


Crystal said...

Thanks now my neck is stiff! ha ha

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the frames and the monkey!!!

Cheryl said...

I'll sell them to ya!! $5 for the 4 frames!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...


Cheryl said...

love bugs are going to sell and more windchimes, plus I think I am selling the monkey for 12.00 and shipping if the lady gets back to me before someone bids. Oh and I have a list of stuff my friends Teri wants.