Friday, October 19, 2007


Okay it's now official, I am totally addicted to auctions even on line ones.

I just won bids on several things on this auction and they are things I have no use for and will take me forever to recoup my money not to mention my marriage.

I can't stand it when someone tries to beat me out at the last second and usually bid more then I should just to beat them.

Tonight I spent 460.00 on nothing I need of course if I sell just a minor part of the stuff I will get it back. I'm running out of space to store it until it can be sold.

When I go to an auction there may not be anything I'm interested in but I stay any way and end up buying things I don't need just because it is cheap.

I have to pick up my winnings tomorrow afternoon but I don't no if will all fit in my van, and I have a big van. I like to say winnings instead of junk because it eases but guilt of buying stuff to think I have a van full of Winnings I now have balls, frames ,magnets ,coffee cups oh no I didn't get those, candle wax. vases,key chains and other things I don't even no whats in the boxes. Well I will go eat now since that is what I do when I'm depressed, look at me I must be depressed allot



Cheryl said...

Too bad you got the balls after I bought all the prizes for our festival.

Cheryl said...

The Stoogies are at $250.00!!!!!!!

Pack Rat Papa said...

Good Good Good That will help pay for my new stuff

SamandSawyersMom said...

dad, i love the stuff you got and i think if you went to the flea market just one weekend(I will go with you and be your worker all just sit in a chair) then I think you could make 500 bucks or more. You really ought to do it. It would be fun. We'd get one site and I wouldn't bring my stuff, we would just do yours. I think you really could make a fortune before Christmas. I will even pick you up with our truck if you want. we can go through and pick out mostly new stuff to take and make signs that say stocking stuffers and stuff. We could make the line of boxes like they do and we would charge .50 where they usually charge a dollar. Everyone would come to Sweet's Sweet Bargain Bungalow

Crystal said...

CRUP! I am cracking up, the more I read your blog, the more you and Sonya seem to be sooo much alike!! ha ha Reading about you really explains alot about her personality....I love it!!! ha ha

Cheryl said...

I love the little flea market idea!!! The name needs to be shortened, maybe just Sweet Bargains. You really could do well, just take certain items, not everything and the work wouldn't be as bad. I will help too.

Pack Rat Papa said...

Good idea you two get a truck loaded and take it to the flea market THANKS

Cheryl said...

You are a SNOT!!!

Cheryl said...

Wind chimes have a bid!!!!!!

Lura said...

Oh, it would be so easy to become addicted. Be careful! It's not worth your marriage! I bet it's even worse when she likes auctions too. You should try my new addiction, it's much cheaper...getting things for free or nearly free! CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid have some great deals!