Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my post but I heard the list on the radio and thought it funny, I had David look for it on the net and he found it on someones blog.He read some of them to me and I said that's it and told him to post it on my blog. I had no idea that there were 90 or more of them and didn't screen them for content but this is a blog that only adults read and most of you have heard something similar to them before.They may not be what you feel and are accustomed to but most are true and funny. Sonya you have been embarrassed about me most of your life but this is just the way I am. If I had read the post I may have decided some of them could come off but it was posted as a joke and not guide lines to how any of you should live your lives or how you should act . I'm not a saint or even a goody two shoes so sometimes I come off as crude or offensive but I can't change who I am just because most of the people who happen to read this have totally different views on life then I have. Again I'm sorry if I offended anyone but stand by my first amendment rights to speak my mind and have freedom of speech.....Can't we all just have fun BYE BYE


SamandSawyersMom said...
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SamandSawyersMom said...

thank you for posting me as your example but I think your other daughter also called them nasty and sexist.

Crystal said...

I wasn't offended, I only read a couple of them and I knew right away it was something I wasn't interested's your blog, you can post what you want. I classify that post as simple guy humor.

Crystal said...

Oh and by the way.....I love B105! I listen to it all the time!

Cheryl said...

I wasn't offended?? WHo was??

Cheryl said...

Oh now I see. I read the other comments.