Sunday, October 21, 2007


Okay I did it I picked up my stuff I won at the on-line auction Friday, Sonya you no this because Steve had to bring his truck to help me, Cheryl you no because you had to bring your van to help me.

I got so much stuff it will take me days to go through it and sort it out. I literally have thousands of some things and most things I got more then they said there was.

So we had three truck loads of things, well that wasn't bad enough Julia and I decided to go to our normal auction tonight, it's bad when you have a normal auction. We didn't buy to much, Julia bought some Christmas plates because she collects them and we got some to resell.I bought some stainless steel saw horses for seven dollars for two and it cost at least fifty dollars in material to make each of them.

Julia bought a special gift for Sawsy but I really think she paid about twenty five dollars to much, but I can't kick I just spent five hundred on my auction.

I got some neat garden gnomes for my yard but I got outbid on some sharp stands I wanted. This was a auction that I wasn't going to stay at because I wasn't really interested in anything but some plates and Star wars pins but I ended up buying other stuff as usual. Well since it's two in the morning I'll get off of here since I've been outside sorting boxes for the last few hours and am getting sleepy. See you in the morning Sonya and good luck at your auction Cheryl. BYE BYE


Cheryl said...

Oh boy I beat you big time in auction sales for this month. But I got lots of good stuff. I'll post pictures later when I can. Can you believe your snowmen sold for 12.87 and I can offer another set to the second place person for 12.50. Yay!!!

Pack Rat Papa said...

I'm sorry but you didn't beat me for the month

Cheryl said...

I spent over $900.00. Stooges sold for $315!!!!!!

Pack Rat Papa said...

We spent 500.00 at one 200.00 at another and that is just two of the auctions that we went to this month

SamandSawyersMom said...

wow, you 2 are crazy.

i love your crap dad. i could sift through that crap for hours. I want to put together a little gift sale in a box and take it around to all my friend's kids and let them spend 2 bucks or so and buy gifts for their mom and dad.

Lura said...

Oh, I would love looking through all your finds too. With your addiction, do you find you have to keep buying more (as in more each time?) to keep that giddy feeling alive? Just curious. Ha ha.