Thursday, June 19, 2008

These lizards are everywhere

My wife with the whale we caught

My wife with the sunshine bridge behind her

She had to take picture of the big boat


Big Whale with white head

Feeding Pelicans

Thier hungry

Kevin wouldn't ride with the crazy people


Cheryl said...

I think we caught that lizard for you.

Lura said...

I don't blame Kevin for not wanting to ride with the crazy people. Ha ha. Nice pictures!

Crystal said...

Oh those pics are beautiful!!! I love the lizard too! Hey, that big giant boat is a Carnival Cruise ship...Shawn and I went on a cruise on one of those ships and it was awesome!! You and Julia should do that some time! You'll love it and it's not as expensive as people think!

SamandSawyersMom said...

very cool pics.