Larry and two of his girls came over Friday night to visit and camp, he brought his grandsons with him. We sat around and talked grilled out and had a fire at night.

David likes lighting the bamboo on fire and listening to it pop. Ethan watches.

Julia and I watch the fire.

This is early Friday on the deck with Destiny.

Larry shot off Roman Candles and had large sparklers for the kids.

Ethan liked climbing on the fire wood.

Destiny, Casey,Ethan and Heydan behind the fire.

The boys liked the smores

Cute kid real intelligent

The Devil is coming out of Larry.

More Smores

The Devil and his pitchfork.

Larry,me and his grandkids

Larry's devil picture is creepy! The boys are adorable!!
oh they are precious. how nice for you and them
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