Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hi its been awhile I really don't have much to say.

Julia and I went to Little Nashville last's in IN. if you don't know allready.

We went to many shops and flea markets.

Julia found some interesting Christmas presents

I bought some gourds at a garden shop and I'm going to raise gourds next year to sell on E-Bay and to decorate

Cheryl said on David's blog that she thought we lost our internet connection so I am blogging even if I have nothing interesting to say

I'm ordering different seeds off of E-Bay so I can try growing different flowers next year.

everyone can send me or save for me seeds from thiers or thier neighbors yards, but don't get caught getting them.

I,m finished must sleep


Crystal said...

It was nice to hear from you!!! You didn't say anything about your it gone???

Cheryl said...

Are telling us to steal seeds from our neighbors? Ok, I will. i will collect you seeds in Disney but that stuff probably won't grow here and I'd have no idea what they were. I could take a picture of each plant and the seeds.

SamandSawyersMom said...

that is cool that you can just collect seeds. crys probably has some good ones from all her plants

Crystal said...

WINK: What is your fondest childhood memory?

Crystal said...

WINK: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

Cheryl said...

Crystal you winked my dad...funny.