Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Who needs marbles
I have a somewhat funny story about marbles

heres the thing you guts will think I've lost my marbles when I tell you

Okay yesterday I was looking at auctions on the internet when I come across this on line auction
they were selling gift items but you had to bid on large lots of things

cases of picture frames, little windchines and things like that..

heres the good part or maybe crazy part
they had pallet loads of marbles and glass blobs like marbles you have all seen those in crafts on flower arrangements or what ever

The thing is you had to bid on them all
There were 5 skids or 150 boxes that have about 25 pounds of marbles in each
the way it works is instead of making it 1 bid they break it up and say you arte bidding on 150 cases of marbles and whatever you bid you have to multiply it by 150

So I thought I would bid on them and re-package them and sell them because what would anyone do with about 4000 pounds of marbles

well it would take you a long time before you could lose that many of them

A guy at work suggested using them as mulch instead of white gravel or something along those lines well my mind began to work overtime and I started figuring how I could use this cheap mulch

I said Terry you could make a flower bed line it with rubber and put pots of flowers down in it and never have to worry about weeds

then I told myself I could make a bed again lining it with rubber and filling it with one color of marbles and bury a pump in it and install a fountain that would shoot up in the air and the water would flow back down into the marbles to be pumped back up again

neat idea huh

another one was to put the rubber edgeing it the ground and make the outer edge in the shape of a bird or even peacock and put edgeing in the inside to separate the marbles and make different sections for the feathers and body features

well I've decided that if I win the marbles I will now keep all 4000 pounds and have a really colorful yard.

The last bid last night when I looked was a total of 39.00 dollars and I figure only local or loco people will bid on them because who would want to ship 4000 pounds

Wish me luck I,m going to bid although the bidding doesn't end until Sunday at 7 :00


SamandSawyersMom said...

You have done lost your mind.

You can live with me when your wife kicks you out but leave your marbles at home would ya?

Everyone wonders how my mind can think of a hundred different ideas at once and now they can see where i get it.

The designing of animals kinda interets me actually. Take picture sof all 4000 pounds if you get them.

Tell us what Julia thinks of them too. Will she be excited that you got some of your marbles back???

Crystal said...

I was just thinking that exact thing Sonya!!! Now I know where you get the crazy mind that you have that thinks of 100 different crazy things per minute! ha ha Like Father, like Daughter! CRUP!

Oh and I love your ideas for the marbles.....I definitely have to see pictures of your marble work!! I hope you win!!!!

Cheryl said...

Ryan would 4000 lbs. of marbles.

Lura said...

I like your ideas. Did you win the marbles?