Friday, September 21, 2007

Okay so I went to Cheryl and Sonya's blogs to figure out what the winks were all about

Crystal-I have so many childhood memories, my childhood was a fairy tail we were poor put it never really hurt us because we all knew we were loved by everyone in our family and it seemed like everyone else.

My mother was like the mother for the whole nieghborhood and all our friends were always at our house,

we had so many people to play with and hangout with that you didn't have time to think about anything that could make you sad.

when I became a teenager and started hanging wiyh a smaller group of friends things became more difficult but also more exciting.

my fondeswt memory was meeting and going with a girl who I truely loved at n early age.

that is still hard to talk about and think about because I lost her almost before we could do all the things we would sit and talk about.

Cheryl I'm sure you know you were named after her

so my time with her is my fondest child hood memory at least until Deb

what would I change, I would have treated Deb better and took better care of myself so I wouldn't be the way I am now.....



Crystal said...

Wow, thank you so much for answering my WINK. I wish you would answer more. I think it's very therapuetic to talk about stuff like this.

It's also really cool to get to know everyone better. I loved reading your answers......very cool! Thanks again for answering even though you didn't want to!

SamandSawyersMom said...

wow, that made me tear up a bit. Inever heard any of the fiary tale stuff...none of it.

Wow, you would answer more!

WINK: If you had it to do over again, would you let your daughter get REAL fake nails with the glue like everyone else had or would you still cut out 10 paper findernails for her??? (please keep in mind that the girls with the glue ones are still alive)

Pack Rat Papa said...

But are thier Fathers

Pack Rat Papa said...

They were perfect nails and they were out of some kind of acrylic I need spell check

I would change alot of things I did but if I would have let you get the glue ons would you still remember that time NO

Cheryl said...

Oh you made me cry. Who knew a wink would bring out so much sweetness.

I have had the glue on ones lots of times, I am still alive and so are you. You and Sonya are crazy!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh okay i see it was for memory purposes

and your memory is not serving you would not let me get any of the fake nails at cut out 10 tiny fingernails out of sticky paper and I wore those and thought i was "all that".