Saturday, September 29, 2007


Well I didn't get to go to the auction last night, my leg and wrist just hurt to bad

I did go to an auction this morning which lasted until afternoon, well that when we left, we had to get David back to meet the other's at the eatery, he and his date looked real good, we took pictures which I hope to put on later.

Julia and I went to Sonic before we came home and when we got home we started going through the auction stuff. She hadn't seen what I bought and I hadn't seen what she had gotten. She got a lot of kids learning stuff and crafts and I got mostly office and Christmas stuff. We each got David an instrument. I got him a set of Tri-Toms and Julia got him a beautiful Cello.

Julia called Sonya and told her about what she had gotten and she said she would try to come down after church tomorrow. I was going to take pictures of some of the stuff to entice her but it got to dark.

My brother Larry called while I was at the auction and gave me two tickets to the Bengals game Monday night, so David and I will get to do something together that we normally would not get to do.

Julia is downloading the pictures of David now so they will be on soon.


SamandSawyersMom said...

no way!! Steve would die if he got to go to a bengals game.

Well I am here and you didn't have to entice me with pictures. Boy was it worth the drive!! I got the coolest stuff. I will tell everyone about it on my blog.

Crystal said...

Whoa, Dawson would love to go to a Bengal's game!!! I bet you two will have a blast! And you will have fantastic weather for it too! Make sure you take lots of pictures so you can post them for us! I hope you aren't in anymore pain!

Cheryl said...

Oh my Gosh...I can't believe you are going to the game...Kevin is just excited about watching it on TV. Why isn't Larry going?

Lura said...

I can't even imagine your house. I love to garage sale and I bring home a small amount of stuff, nothing compared to what you bring home! I wish I was your daughter! Ha ha.