Sunday, September 2, 2007

The person that uses the computer the least figured out how to put a video on the blog :) . Here are the photos I promised you plus one of my pond with my plants in it.


Crystal said...

Which on is the pond.......I didn't see a pond in these, am I being blonde again??

Cheryl said...

I think those beautiful pots with the hand prints hanging on the wooden fence are the most beautiful.

I can't believe you figured out the video...David did it didn't he? Yeah the ponds weren't on there.

Cheryl said...

our time is off by 3 hours again...stupid blogger.

Pack Rat Papa said...

The pond is the one with the purple hyacinths

Cheryl said...

Oh yeah, Now I see the edge of the deck.

Crystal said...

Those pots are gorgeous!!! I love all your floweres and plants.......I love to garden,it's so relaxing and rewarding when you get to watch everything grow and bloom! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Crystal said...


SamandSawyersMom said...

where are the wedding pics