Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Wishes

Had a nice Christmas but something was missing all evening.
They will be here today.
I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Merry Christmas.
I love all of you out there and enjoy your company in Internet land.

I am blessed that I have a great family and people who care about me.
I'm glad they accept me with all my faults and have put up with me for
another year.Hope you and yours are as happy as I am and hope
you never have your family give up on you or friends grow apart
from you.Everyone needs as many true friends in their lives as they
can possibly get. I have a supportive family and feel loved everyday.
I could go on and on about how I feel loved but I will spare you that
and again wish you happiness and good cheer throughout the holiday
season from a rambling old man awake in the middle of the night
with a lump in his throat thinking about all his memories of family
over the years, the ones that are gone and the ones left behind
to try and carry on and make the most of their lives and the time
that they have left to tread on this earth.

Everyone be well and keep good thoughts in your hearts



Crystal said...

That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard! You are so precious! MERRY CHRISTMAS, Uncle Terry! LOVE YOU TONS!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Aww Crystal is your true friend. She called me to yell at me for not commenting on this. I had no idea you had posted.

I am glad oyu finally see that so many people love you. We loved everything that you guys got us. Thank you. HAve a great day!!!! (while I am WORKING!!)

Cheryl said...

We love you too!

SamandSawyersMom said...

new post now