Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa Pictures

Okay girls and one guy I never have anything to blog about, I,m not watching or don't have little ones and I'm not out saving money or able to share my daily experiences with you but I do have Santa pictures. These are all pictures from our living room and dining room/office area. I will be posting about five new pictures everyday until Christmas. Most of these are new for this year but a few are from other years.

Julia's new clock from her birthday plays Christmas songs

None of these pictures but others will have little santas hanging from the corners of shelves.

All of these are from the living room.


Cheryl said...

I love the praying Santa!! That is neat and the all white one too. I like the old world looking ones!!

Crystal said...

Wow, that is cool! Uhm, do you keep all these up year round or do you have to drag them all out every year???

Pack Rat Papa said...

Drag them out, we have clowns during the year

Crystal said...

WHOA! That's alot of Santa's to box up and pull out every year! ha I hope you get a good six weeks out of all that work! ha ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

they are cool but I like the clowns better. I think clowns are so cheery. of course, santa brings gifts! I like em both.

Cheryl said...

The clowns are a little creepy...well some of them.

Crystal said...

I've always been creeped out by clowns too! ha