Tuesday, December 11, 2007

One of those nights

Did you ever have one of those nights. You know where you can't sleep and in my case you have stayed home from work. Nothing to do ( well plenty to do but nothing you can do at 4o'clock in the morning ) .

I've checked my girls blogs and there is nothing new, checked the on line auctions and nothing new, even checked Cheryl's E-Bay account and its the same there, as usual I have nothing to say.

I have lost my marbles. Or what I meant to say is some how the boxes of marbles have gotten wet and the boxes of marbles have tumbled over and have spilled and now there are 20000 or so marbles mixed on the ground. I hope the darn things don't decide to start rolling.

I just got a scare, I got up to go to the potty and when I came out I went in the kitchen to get a pop or soft drink or cola or what ever you are use to calling it and someone had left my back bathroom door open so I pushed it closed, well I'm sitting here typing away and I here a noise and it sounds like someone opening my back door and entering my house, so scared but curious I head from dining room to kitchen and just I turn corner I come face to face with my wife who had gotten up while I was in the privy and now has scared me in to going again. doesn't seem funny to you but she never uses that bathroom because it is filled with my plants and hard to get to the facilities.

See I told you I didn't have anything interesting to say yet you sit there reading on. Some of us lead a boring life and don't have anything to post every day so they sit up at night and write about useless banter just so others will have something to read so they won' be forgotten and tossed on the scrap heap with other bloggers who never posted enough.

Well I've taken enough of your time don't forget me. check on me occasionally and come help me pick up my marbles.. BYE-BYE


Cheryl said...

That is funny. Scaredy cat!! I was shocked to find 2 new post! Amazing. You should stay up late more often!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

you have lost your marbles for sure.

i cracked up with this

Crystal said...

Oh I was laughing out loud while reading this one!!! ha

Lura said...

That is funny. And yes, I sat there and read the WHOLE thing!