Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sonya's letter

Okay here goes, Sonya like David I don't tell you enough how much I love you and how proud I am of you. You have become a beautiful woman and a great mother.

Now all of a sudden you have become a good shopper.

When you were growing up I wasn't always there for you and your sister and I regret that, and I learned from it and tried to support the three boys better then I did you girls.

I can't change that but would if I could, there are so many things I would change in my life if I could, I hope that you knew that I always loved you and that I was always proud of you, I did see most of your plays and they were fantastic. You were always an actress even at home playing with your sister or other kids in our neighborhood.

I miss the few things we used to do together and wish we could live closer together so I could see you and your family more. I really miss our family being together at special times but realize that everyone has their own families and responsibilities and personal conflicts.

My five children and my fantastic wife mean more to me then anything in the world and I think of everyone of you every day, of course the blogs help with that and also keeps us in touch even if we can't be together.

Sonya you are a wonderful and loving person and give so much of your self to so many people that I worry that you will burn out and break down if you can't help them, you have a great group of friends and support system but don't take on to much.

I Love You
I luv u
i luv you
Daddy Loves You
Dad luves u
Terry loves you 2


Crystal said...

Ahh, how sweet!!! Yeah, I guess she's okay!

MissSonya said...

Oh I feel bad for saying something about my letter..I was kidding.

Gosh, I could reply in so many ways but many are private so I will just say a few things. Before I do, keep in mind that I do not say complimentary things that I don't truly mean. I can honestly say that I don't rememeber a single moment when you were NOT there in my life. Every family gathering, you took us (FIRST might I add and stayed until LAST) and you were there during every memory I have in our home or as a family. I can't understand where you think you weren't.

Also, I am determined to share you with my children and I will make every effort to do so. They deserve to learn from you what I have at least as much as they can.

Your words tonight have really changed my life. I did know you loved me (growing up, i NEVER doubted that) but knowing that you are proud even though I am a house wife and not a corporate ladder climber like the boys will be is awesome. I am confident in my role but it is nice when others appreciate what I do as well.

The rest will have to be reserved for a private letter. I do love you and your wife very much and I actually love coming to see you despite all the living things around us while visiting inside and out.

If you have any regrets, don't waste them on me because I can truly say you were a fantastic father and if my kids tell me that one day (a mommy though) I will be more than satisfied. You and mom should be proud.

Thank you for this post. I love, luv, you too, to 2.

MissSonya said...

Oh yeah one more thing.

The people in my life give me as much as I do them.

I am stronger than you think. i know I seem like I am not when I bust out crying but that is just the way I deal with it intially. God has made me very strong. I like that I can cry my heart out and then make a plan to prevent it from happening again. I will be careful when giving though for you.

Cheryl said...

I agree with Sonya, I know amazing but there was never a time when you weren't there for us. You were always there? You were even there for our friends, (the Lilly's). You did stuff with us and took us everywhere. And now you are there for our boys. Ryan thinks the world of you, I mean you have deer in your yard and let him touch all your stuff. Plus you have a friend with horse, to a boy who loves animals you are a king!

Crystal said...

I even have memories of you (although you did terrify me at times! ha ha) I was at your house alot as a child and I always envied Cheryl and Sonya for having such wonderful loving parents. I used to wish that Aunt Debbie was my mom instead.

My fondest memory of you is taking car trips camping and singing This Land is Your Land!!! ha ha That was great!! You were a great Uncle and Father!