Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Open letter

This is an open letter to my youngest son, David.

David I know that I don't tell you enough how much I love and appreciate you
but I do and I want to thank you for being the man that you are.

Everyday you surprise me with something else that you have learned or something you are trying to learn to do.

I know your mother an I encourage you to do things and support you in your efforts but it is you that pushes on and discovers new things to do and learn,

You have been a blessing to us because to this point we have been able to trust you and no that you are going to do the right thing no matter what the occasion.

We enjoy all of the things that you do from the musicals to the plays to the singing in the youth chorus to just playing your different instrutments around the house.

The fact that you are so well behaved and don't have to be cautioned about the things you do ( unless you are with your brother in laws ) and we don't have to worry if you are out somewhere that someone will have to tell us of something you did.

I know that I can't do the things with you that most fathers do with their sons but I try to do what I can. Luckily you aren't in to sports anymore so I don't have to run and jump, I can just sit and offer encourgement.

Well I have to get off of here because you are getting up early to work on school work another thing we don't have to push you to do

We love you very much and really hope you keep up the good work.


Cheryl said...

Oh how sweet. What has gotten into you? he really is great isn't he. I just hope Ryan chooses to follow David's example.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i think he is just as amazing as you think he is. I can't wait for my open letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CRUP!!

Pack Rat Papa said...

You have to many attributes to name

Crystal said...

He is a good kid and very talented!!! You are very Blessed!