Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dancing" BUD"

Okay it has taken me an hour to make this post. I can't figure out how to move photos. So they load one on top of each other and I have to drag each of them up against the other. It won't let me move them left or right so they are in a row from top to bottom. These pictures are blurred but you will get the idea of how much energy goes in to the dance sences and how crazy your brother is. You may have to blow up some of the pictures to see the details of the dance but again these are just to show you what you are in for tonight. We have taken nearly 500 pictures and I choose to show you the blurred ones sorry.

The boy can move his hands at very fast speeds, or maybe it was just the camera.


Crystal said...

Oh that looks hilarious!!! I love that he's such a nut! ha ha He's smart and he knows how to have fun!!!

Pack Rat Papa said...

Hey you commented before I finished blogging.I knew you were fast on the computer but how do you comment before I post.

Pack Rat Papa said...

I didn't finish this post until 9:56 and I went to look at it to check it and Crys had already commented two minutes before I finished. That has to be some kind of record.

Cheryl said...

wow, can't wait to see it. him and his dances...funny

Crystal said...

Oh he was a riot!!! I am sooo glad I got to go afterall! I had a great time, thank you!

Crystal said...

ha ha that's funny that I commented before you posted! ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

he is a nut and a crazy dancer