Saturday, April 19, 2008

Many Faces of "Bud"

Bud and Buddy

These are mostly pictures of BUD

I have forgotten how to move pictures around on the page so you will have to move around to see them


Crystal said...

Wow, those pictures turned out fantastic!!! Oh that play looks so good! I can't wait! ha

Cheryl said...

wow he had lots of wardrobe changes. looks good, see ya sunday

SamandSawyersMom said...

looks great.

Crystal said...

Hey Uncle Terry and Julia,

I just want to let you know that I can't be at David's play tomorrow. I want to go so badly and I was so thrilled that you invited me but unfortunately, I have a pretty bad stomach flu going on right now. Even if I were to feel much better tomorrow, I don't want to come and get everyone else sick too and then I will never be invited again! ha

If you had to buy an extra ticket for me, let me know because I want to give you the money back. I feel bad for canceling. Thanks again for inviting me and don't forget me next time!