Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Injury Prone 2

Okay the pictures didn't turn out so well but they still hurt.
Read Injury Prone Before Injury Prone 2

Okay so I stayed home from work Sunday night in pain. I tried to go outside to do something Monday morning but pain was to bad. I wore Crocs and even they hurt my foot. I came back inside to watch T.V. but decided to lay down instead since I was awake most of the night. I started upstairs to bed when I stubbed my second toe on my right foot. I screamed so loud our clapper light came on. I was again in very bad pain. I went on upstairs and layed down finally falling to sleep. When I woke up my whole foot and leg were hurting. I looked at my right foot and it was nearly as blue as myleft one. Needless to say I now have missed another days work. I'm waiting to see what I can possibly do to hurt myself today. Only good news is my legs haven't seemed to hurt in two days. Or maybe they are the least of my pain. Bye


SamandSawyersMom said...

i am not sure how you make an injury sound hilarous but you do. Oh dad, you need to just work and then stay in a chair.

Cheryl said...

i am ordering your bubble!

Crystal said...

Oh I read this to the ladies at work and they were all in stitches laughing so hard at your descripiton! ha ha I'm sorry you hurt yourself but boy it was funny reading about it! ha I hope you feel better today!

Crystal said...

Hey old man, just checkin in to see how your piggies are doing???

Cheryl said...

I am sick of looking at your nasty toes, you know I hate feet! Let's have a new post!!

Cheryl said...

Yuck...still feet!

Crystal said...

So, how are your piggies? Can you please take these yucky pics off now! ha

Cheryl said...

I am so sick of these ugly nasty feet!! NEW POST OLD MAN!!!!!!!

Cheryl said...

you have an exciting trip to post about, you know your getting excited. I whole week with ME and MICKEY!!