Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Injury Prone

Bad pictures but still painful

Okay Julia and I had a fire Saturday night in the field. As you all know we have fun and burn allot of stuff. Well I had a barrel full of things I wanted to burn but couldn't reach the bottom to get things out. So I went to move the barrel away from the fire so I could turn it over. As I was pulling the barrel it suddenly moved and crushed my big toe on my left foot. It hurt very badly. Later when I took off my shoe the toe was swollen and very black and blue. Pictures to follow. It ended up hurting so badly that I missed work Sunday night because of the pain. It seems the only time I get something to blog about it is an injury.


SamandSawyersMom said...

oh my goodness. you are a mess

Cheryl said...

seriously we are going to have to put you in a bubble!!