Monday, April 14, 2008

Interested in Learning More?????

Like the do???? Remind you of anyone???? Well, this is a preview of David's character in his upcoming play this weekend. For all of you who desire, come out Friday, Saturday or Sunday to view this hillarious musical comedy. All I'll say is that David's character is Bud Frump. Quite fitting wouldn't you say? Anyway his mom saw a wee bit of the play tonight and she reports that it will be quite entertaining. If Crystal comes, she will need to bring a change of pants!! Come one - Come all - Enjoy the show. You'll wish you had......


SamandSawyersMom said...

is crystal actually invited to something? She will FREAK out!!!!

I can't wait!!

Crystal said...

Your joking right??? Can I really come??? I promise I will wear a diaper!

Cheryl said...

Oh you are your father's son!! just need thicker frames for your glasses.

SamandSawyersMom said...

squiggy form laverne and shirley

Cheryl said...

sonya he looks just like a ll the dorky pictures of dad with that big curl on his forehead.