Wednesday, October 3, 2007



Cheryl said...

I can't believe he has a dish on his van...funny.

Pack Rat Papa said...

These are all of Larry's van. The first two are David and Destiny. The last is Larry and Kim

SamandSawyersMom said...

whoa, that is really cool. Did he have enough tickets for all those people? Do people know him there?? Where are his seats??

Crystal said...

WOW!!! To tell ya the truth, I was expecting his van to look totally redneck or look like it came straight from the Beverly Hillbillies but it's actually very classy looking!!! I love it!!! Daws loved it too when I showed it to him! We are huge Bengal fans in this house too!!! WHO DEY!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

who is in the tombstone..that is odd

Pack Rat Papa said...

He had tickets for him Kim his wife and Destiny, and mine and David's were in another area, yes he knows many of the people and people who go to his web page at come visit him some times Sonya what tombstone He just has front seats the others fold down into a bed like one of my vans use to do.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh dad, you misunderstood what I was asking. What seats does Larry have at the Bengals game? Also, in the picture behind David, there is a picture of someone by a tombstone, is it a Bengal tiger or person or what?