Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Julia and I took the pictures last night and I should have looked at them before David blogged them but I didn't have time. even the blurry pictures give you an idea of what I have.

The numbers next to them indicate how many of each I have. The houses and one snowman are all trinket boxes. I have many more things to take pictures of but they are mainly mirrors and little guardian angel key chains I think because they are in individual boxes with different numbers and I haven't looked at all of them yet.

That All


Cheryl said...

You should have used the flower button. that is my favorite button!!

Pack Rat Papa said...

I don't have a flower button

Cheryl said...

all cameras have the flower button. You probably call it the micro or macro button.

SamandSawyersMom said...

yeah all cameras have it yep all do