Friday, October 5, 2007

If you do not have allot of time do not conitnue.

I've had a lousy 24 hours, day before yesterday my legs started swelling.
I tried to stay off of them as much as possible, but I had to go to work so they got bigger and bigger, I called Julia from work to tell her I had to go to the doctor or urgent care yesterday.

Well I got home and she had told me she would call my doctor so I went to bed and propped my feet up, my legs hurt so bad that I couldn't sleep, finally Jul called and said they couldn't get me in but the doctor would call me, again I tried to sleep no luck here, the nurse called and said they would work me in at 3:45. My doctor has a parking garage and street parking is non-existent.

So I needed to get there without my truck I didn't have anyone to call to help so Julia took off work to take me.

We got to the doctor and he looked at my legs which weren't as swollen because I had them up all day but still were pretty bad.He decided to change my medicines because one of them causes you to retain water, this drug has also been found to cause heart problems and swelling legs can be a sign of problems there.

He listened to my heart and lungs and doesn't think there is a problem there and I have been on this drug for along time. They tested my heart last year and I had no problems sop he decided to take me off of it so as to not take any more chances, I have a rash on my legs again caused by the swelling. So I got more water pills cream for the rash and a different pill to replace the one.

I told him I had to go to work because I was getting close on the point system at work and couldn't miss many more days,he said he could fill out a paper for FMLA and that would help. my work doesn't accept a doctor note unless you are off at least three days in a row.

So I go home lay down and prop my legs up and plan to go top work last night.I get up my legs hurt but aren't to bad so I start to work. I get ten miles from home and run out of gas, I knew before laying down that morning that I would have to get gas but I had taken a Tylenol PM and I guess I wasn't thinking straight when I left for work, so I called Jul and told her to bring me gas and to hurry because I could make it to work on time, if you are a minute late you get an occurrence so I wanted to make it on time, she got there fast and I got on the road and was making good time and I was going to make it with about two minutes to spare if everything went right, IT DIDN'T, I here this noise under my hood and realize I have broken a bell I called Julia right away so she wouldn't go all the way back home,I looked at my gages and everything seemed okay except I had no power steering, I called Julia I told her I was going to try top make it to work. Everything seemed all right and I was making good time.

I looked down and realized that my battery wasn't charging and if I made it to work Julia would have to pick me up in the morning which wasn't good because our work times conflict on her new job and she would be late, about this time a car is going real slow in my lane so I pass it up and there are a couple other cars I figure I can pass before my exit,WRONG, Julia picks this time to call and ask how things are going and I'm distracted and pass my exit.I tell her the next exit is eight miles and I won't get to work on time so I say I will start back toward her and she can start back toward me, I turn around and decide to go in to work and take the quarter of an occurrences because I'm afraid I will run out of gas again or my battery will go dead before I got home,I try to call here and no answer, I try again and have to leave a message, well because I can't get a hold of her I decide to keep going home.She finally calls me back and I tell her things are going alright and to pull over and just wait because I may make to her.She pulls over about where I ran out of gas on the way to work. I get up to the New Richmond exit and the truck starts sputtering and I'm out of gas again but I'm able to roll down to Kellogg Ave. where Julia can get to me without having to get on expressway. She gets there and I'm putting the rest of the gas in the truck from the can she had brought me before, I hadn't put it all in because I was trying to get to work on time. Well there was enough juice in the battery to start the truck and I'm on my way again.

Julia followed me and I started up our hill and got about a hundred yards of home and ran out of gas again, I hadn't stopped to get more because you can't leave the car run while you put gas in it. So she picks me up we go up to the house to look for more gas no such luck not on this a night so we go back down get gas and she pulls in front of me because I'm sure I will need a jump and her battery is in her trunk, I put the gas in and the truck starts and I drive the few feet to my drive, by this time my legs have regained their plumpness and are hurting very bad, I go to bed and can't sleep very well so I get up tired and have to take Juls to work because I need the car to pick David up at school because he gets off early and there is no bus service, so now here wasting my sleeping time writing to you peop;e who might not want to hear my story anyway.......YOu can not believr how many mistakes are or were in this blog because I 'm so tired, this last sentence will give you an idea what the whole thing looked like brfore I corrected it.

I'm goint tp bed 42 corrections were made


Pack Rat Papa said...

All of this with one finger it hurts too now Sonya is that the right to.

Pack Rat Papa said...

I answered some of your Bengal questions and gave you Larry's web page address on the Bengals pic blog

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh my gosh. What happened with your work?

Oh dad, you need to retire. goodness me. I am exhausted reading it. You need to pray man. I am going to pray for you right now.

I love you. Hang in there. What can we do to help?

I won't call now and wake you.

Lura said...

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I work with people who have swelling in their legs and it always looks so painful. Hopefully the water pill will do it's job, of course then you'll be up to the bathroom and not able to sleep anyways! Praying that things get better for you.

Cheryl said...

If your Doctor fills out the FMLA papers they can give you a point or take one a way as long as it is a medical problem. I had to do it at Facs because of my fertility stuff, I had to go in late some days and leave early. They couldn't count it against me. FMLA is the one good thing Clinton did.

Hope you feel better. I can pick David u if you are too tired.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i just got what you were asking

yes it was the right to too two 2

Crystal said...

Wow, you poor thing! I'm with Sonya, just retire!!!