Sunday, October 7, 2007

On Cheryl blog she talked about the Segway and I made the comment that I had seen an eighty year old man riding one. Sonya said she liked my comment and I think she thought that I was kidding but I wasn't this old man came riding out on this thing that looked like a Roman chariot. It had tall sides made out of plywood and two wheels that were smaller then a kids bicycle and had a shaft coming up that had a pair of small handle bars on it, it totally ran by battery and I think he said it had a power wheelchair motor in it. Having never seen anything like it I was surprised when we called him and he came flying up on it,this was before I had heard of segways and he had made this himself. Oh well thought I would clarify my comment


Cheryl said...

Oh that is so cool. Make me one!!! If he can do it you can do it.

SamandSawyersMom said...

That is not the comment I was talking about. When you said that you had one in the barn, I lost it.

Cheryl said...

I did too, that was too funny.

SamandSawyersMom said...

you need to get home from work and get that filth off your blog

Pack Rat Papa said...

I don't work anymore