Monday, October 8, 2007

Time Warner We switched to Time Warner for our cable phone and Internet. we'll see if it is any better, we have to get a router or something for David's computers to work because the CBT one won't work so he isn't going to be happy for awhile. We got a new remote for our cable but I can't figure out how to program it. I'm technically challenged so maybe David can do it. I,m bored and don't no what to do with my self maybe I'll take a nap.Maybe tomorrow my legs will feel good enough to work on my truck.I'd check our E-Mail to see if it is different but I didn't no how to get to it before. BYE


SamandSawyersMom said...

your not working? why?

Crystal said...

ha ha We have Time Warner for our internet, cable, home phone and cell phones and we really like having just one bill for all of those. We've had it for over a year and we like it pretty well. I'm sure David will know how to program the remote.

Cheryl said...

you're funny. We have the bundle too and like it. Call if David can't figure out the remote and Kev will help.

Cheryl said...

time to post, everyone is slow this week. need something to read.

Cheryl said...

Are you still alive??

Pack Rat Papa said...

Yes nothing to post

Cheryl said...

Do something interesting so you can post.