Sunday, October 14, 2007

Went to an auction last night and did JJulia spend the money, We are going to have to restrict her,HA HA .She wanted some Santa steins so we bid on one of them and won so she took all six , they were all coke a cola ones, but one wasn't a Santa it was the polar bear we will sell it E-bay if Cheryl will do it or it looks like I may have to figure out how.

We also got Julia some nesting dolls, we got four that look like Holland girls and one that is an Egyptian Mummy

We also got some new things DON"T anybody tell but we got Sammy two inflatable star wars chairs they are the two robots I forget their names.

I bought some box lots that we still have to go through' I did get a giant makeup case with makeup, all kinds of brushes, manicure stuff and lotions and travel stuff like toothbrush holders and the like......I also got some antique light bulbs that I will sell, Got a box of jewelery that has old stuff in it and one necklace that looks like gold herringbone or something...Will post again after we look at everything


SamandSawyersMom said...

wow that sounds really cool. I wanna know whats in those box lots. I love makeup.

we are going to our auctions today. Pray for my self control

Cheryl said...

Sounds like fun. I am going to put stuff on e-bay I have just been ...well I was going to say busy but the truth is more like lazy.

Cheryl said...

the robots are R2D2n and C3PO